In house weekly Silent Auctions
held Wednesday Nights @ 5pm

Monthly Estate Sale every last Sunday of the month 12pm-4pm ONLY

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If you find this item in the store you'll get to keep it and you'll also receive an
in-store $10 gift certificate.
Come back daily to see a new "Right Now" Item!

~Next Live Auction~
Featuring Kevin Walsh & Ron Scheenstra!
COMING SOON to View Our Full List of Auction Inventory
and online bidding w/ Hibid!
COMING SOON to View Our Full List of Auction Inventory on Estate Sales!
COMING SOON to View Our Auction Inventory at on Auction Zip!
Welcome to the Redlands Thrift Store online! Everyday there is a sale, some days there is even a surprise. Located inside our store is a daily silent auction and a vendor discount mall. The daily auction is constantly presenting new items. The daily auction is an exciting part of the store and provides a new enjoyable experience to all who try it out.
Even with our already low prices we provide regular daily sales.

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The Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino
588 W 6th St. San Bernardino, Ca 92410
(909) 889-7328
The Redlands Thrift Store Premises is Protected by Sterling Enterprises